Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Vain talkers and deceivers continue to use God in their messages

There are many vain talkers and deceivers today...

Here's just a small example:

The false teachers today and false prophets (and prophetesses) are continuing their vain jangling and vain babbling all over the place including YOU TUBE. They do this entirely for filthy lucre's sake. They want your money and they want to impress you by slinging out their careless reports on the HOLY BIBLE and the Scriptures. They continue to write books and create more NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS as Section 501(c)3 status with the IRS and all claim they are doing God's work:

They will all go to their own place eventually with their father the Devil. The truth of Christ and the gospel of Christ is not in their message.  They have a form of godliness and deny the power thereof:
