Thursday, February 11, 2016

Saudi Arabia is using CRUDE OIL to inflict economic Jihad on other countries

The CRUDE OIL DEBACLE is only the beginning:

Why is Saudi Arabia declaring a CRUDE OIL Jihad?

CLICK HERE to watch the ENERGY SECTOR tank:

$20 then $10 CRUDE is coming soon


Iran dumps U.S. dollar for EURO in CRUDE OIL trade

Read about IRAN here:

News reports are explaining why Saudi Arabia is keeping CRUDE OIL prices low to inflict economic damage on Russia, Iran, the United States and other enemy nations.  This could lead to some serious problems with global military instability and lead to more than just economic warfare. The world may be on the verge of WORLD WAR III:

Former Shell President John Hofmeister explains what's going on with CRUDE OIL and THE MIDDLE EAST:

Why the interest in GOLD all of the sudden?

And as the world markets churn their numbers driven completely by central bank intervention and high frequency algorithms, investors don't know how to invest anymore.  Listen to what billionaire investor Mark Cuban had to say about GOLD:

Here's more market confusion and news to further complicate matters:

Will there be a U.S. DOLLAR collapse after all?  Whether there is a crash of the U.S. DOLLAR or a RUN ON THE BANKS remains to be seen but it doesn't hurt to be somewhat prepared.  The bottom line though is the elite are constructing the new world economy to take all of our money and any financial solvency that we have accrued:

So where do we go from here?

Personally it is my personal belief that the world is moving into the fulfillment of the HOLY BIBLE (a.k.a. "the Scriptures") and that the scriptures must needs be fulfilled to prepare for the man of sin the son of perdition. Also God shall send strong delusion so that people believe lies and those that are of the lie are ultimately damned. It matters not what anyone else says about it as we have loads of vain babblers and janglers out there who don't even study the word of God or rightly divide the word of truth. Soon them that believe not shall go to their own place.  

As for taking back the Republic here in the United States of America that is a big joke if I ever heard one. There will be no revolution and anyone including these idiot militias or otherwise that rise up against this world government beast will suffer the consequences of destruction. Some will think to fight it using a bit of God and religion but they will find that they will ultimately lose against these powers that be:

A good example of this is the Oregon stand off in Harney County which in and of itself is full of deception and it is doubtful that the truth will ever be learned as to what this is actually all about.  Why Reverend Franklin Graham is involved in this Mormon occupation is rather perplexing also.  The entire event is rather creepy if you have paid any attention to it.

So where do we go from here?  I trust in Christ that those of us who believe on him will continue to suffer loss but at the same time we will press on toward the mark of the higher calling of God in Christ Jesus.  We move on toward death and the promise of eternal life?  Does that sound too morbid or contradictory for you?  Then you can believe whatever you wish.  I'll keep my eyes on the real Jesus (whom I haven't seen) and not the one that looks like a Woodstock hippie.  

For you TRADERS in the MARKETS:

Here's the current TRADE IDEAS near as I can tell.  REMEMBER this is not financial advice, just an observation:

  • SHORT CRUDE OIL (crude oil is not coming back again)
  • GO LONG THE U.S. DOLLAR (I don't believe in the DOLLAR collapse)
  • GO LONG the EURO too (if the Iran news is true)
  • Prepare for a NEW DIGITAL CURRENCY in the next few years.  Don't bother with any bank run nonsense as banks are here to stay even if they are consolidated into larger entities. 
  • Remember GOLD and SILVER will eventually be cankered. 
  • Vote for Donald Trump
  • If Trump doesn't get in you'll have to vote for Bernie Sanders.  (I will too)
