Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is America MAD over MENTAL HEALTH?


HIGH TECH Brain Training and Treatment via APPS

THIS IS HUGE NEWS as this becomes one of the most THREATENING INDUSTRIES that mankind has ever experienced.   Not only is this going to be a major JOB CREATOR it is also poised to be extremely LUCRATIVE being funded by the U.S. Government and a continual growing list of offices and various administrations, committees, conventions, institutes, organizations, and conventions. 

We the people will now be faced with losing freedom of thinking for yourself while becoming slaves to MENTAL HEALTH APPS used in SMART PHONES and TABLETS likely to be made MANDATORY TREATMENT by the MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY for treatments of MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS.

Make no mistake about it but these MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS are being manufactured regularly by alleged MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS who have the backing of The U.S. GOVERNMENT which may prove to be a very clever way to control the MIND through the use of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY.

The SALES PITCH is of course that this is going to create a society that is MOTIVATED, CONNECTED, and PERFORMING AT THEIR BEST.  



Will Alex Jones be diagnosed with a COGNITIVE CONSPIRATORIAL THOUGHT DISORDER and wear one of these BRAIN MONITORING DEVICES?   It's just a THOUGHT--oops--be careful what you think. 
