Thursday, March 31, 2011

Show us your Identification Mr. President!

This is a matter of National Security!   And all those involved in this mess should be removed from their positions at once!  That could be a large list.....developing...

The most important issue we have today is that of President Obama's authorization for president:  Donald Trump is raising this issue.  We the people should be all over this now.  Send this story all over the place please!  Send this LINK even!

We all have to show our I.D.'s even to people we know.  But Obama is NOT DOING IT and if he doesn't belong there GET HIM OUT!  Also Homeland Security should be decommissioned and Congress overhauled if Obama slipped through the cracks and is an ILLEGAL ALIEN PRESIDENT and also a MAJOR BREACH OF NATIONAL SECURITY! 

Donald Trump meets the qualifications of Article II Section 1 of the United States Constitution:,_Section_1_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States_of_America.html

I'm predicting that this is going to be the largest BREACH OF SECURITY ever in the history of the United States of America and those involved are those who hold all the high offices of Homeland Security and keep telling us how we need to " suspicious activity...", etc.   MAJOR SECURITY BREACH HERE EPOSED SOON...Congress...Department of Homeland Security...etc....

Look at all the recent reports on this!

Big Sis says "....Report suspicious activity..."  Well you are all suspect and I'm reporting it here!


I don't get anything for this!  I'm an American but I care about this country!  I'm just doing my part to REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY!  Please help.....!
